Miso, More Than Food... Life!

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Language : English or French

ISBN : 9780968978115, 9782842430924

Author : Suzanne Dionne

Publisher : Les Aliments Massawippi

Release Year : 2001

Pages : 82

Spiral Bound

More than ever, people are conscious of the link between healthy eating and good health, the nutritional value of living, functional foods that include, among others, nutraceutics and probiotics.
Good news! Miso, an organic, non-pasteurized, whole food, is all of the above and more. Fermented in a traditional way, rich in proteins, enzymes and lactobacillus, it is now produced in Quebec by Les Aliments Massawippi inc. of North Hatley in the Eastern Townships. Suzanne Dionne's book, Miso, More Than Food... Life!, is a guide to discovering the benefits of miso and its role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Suzanne Dionne is a food specialist and recipient of awards such as the Prix entrepreneurship féminin at the Concours québécois en entrepreneurship 2001. Also a master in the production of miso, she has translated her know-how into delectable reading with her book - a fun, fact-filled account of the exceptional food that is miso and how to incorporate its full benefits into our daily lives.

The beautifully illustrated, full color, laminated and kitchen friendly book (folds and stands easily) includes some 40 easy to prepare, clearly explained recipes from around the world and for all tastes.

The introduction to her book provides detailed information on miso: its nature and history, how it is made, its unique nutritional qualities - the importance of enzymes in nutrition, probiotics such as lactobacillus, nutraceutic properties, with references and links to further reading on miso.

According to Dr Shinichiro Akizuki, onetime director at the Saint Francis Hospital, Nagasaki, Japan, miso could be one of the most important components in daily nutrition. He noted that families who consumed miso on a daily basis with rare exception were almost never sick and was convinced that miso ranks among the highest quality medicine available in preventing illness and maintaining a strong, healthy body.
