Chia, Coconut, and Milkcap Pudding

Chia, Coconut, and Candy Cap Pudding

Chia, Coconut, and Candy Cap Pudding
Preparation: 10 min + 12 h refrigeration
Portions: 4

    1 1/3 cup of coconut milk
    1 tsp. Candy Cap mushroom powder
    1 tbsp sugar
    2 tbsp. chia seeds
    Pinch of salt
    Nuts for decoration

    Blend coconut milk with sugar, burnt-sugar milky powder, salt, and sugar.
    Add chia seed mixture and stir with a spoon.
    Pour 1/3 cup into 4 verrines.
    Cover with plastic wrap.
    Leave in refrigerator for 12 hours.
    Serve with roasted nuts on top.