
La cueillette de champignons: une chasse aux trésors — La Presse +

JULY 12, 2020

Interview between the biologist and director of La Mycoboutique Judith Noël Gagnon and La Presse +. She talks about the essentials of mushroom picking and shares informations about mushroom identification.

They're writing about us in New Jersey! — NJMA News

JULY 1, 2019

For tourists interested in mushrooms, Mycoboutique is a must-see in Montréal. Upon leaving, they lament the absence of such a shop where they live, and return home with plenty of stories to tell the locals.

For instance, the New Jersey Mycological Association has devoted an entire page in its latest newsletter to what was, for its vice-president, Frank Marra, a memorable visit: a wonderful store with everything fungal that you could ever want, he concludes.

Les cueilleurs poussent comme des champignons — Le Devoir

OCTOBER 19, 2018

The journalist Katia Tobar tells with a lot of sensitivity her mushroom excursion with the Mycoboutique.

Folie champi — La Presse

SEPTEMBER 30, 2017

 A journalist participates in an excursion organised by the Mycoboutique.

Folie champi — La Presse +

SEPTEMBER 16, 2017

A journaliste of La Presse +, Isabelle Morin, follows a guide of Mycoboutique, Judith Noël Gagnon, in own of our mushrooms excursion.

One of Montreal's Top Ten Attractions — The Montreal Gazette

JULY 4, 2017

In an interview with a Montreal Gazette journalist, the author of the new book 300 Reasons to Love Montreal ranked Mycoboutique in the top ten list of the city's points of interest.

Everything to Know About our Local Mushrooms — Journal de Montréal

JUNE 30, 2017

The mushroom species found in teh surrounding forests, explained by Judith Noël-Gagnon, biologist and manager of the Mycoboutique. 

300 Reasons to love Montréal — Éditions de l'Homme

JUNE 29, 2017

Vibrant, cultural, heteroclite, French-speaking, multilingual: Montréal is both multiple and unique in its kind. In 2017, in celebration of the city's 375th anniversary, Claire Bouchard writes in "300 reasons to love Montreal": "not only is Mycoboutique an exceptional source of mushrooms, but it also offers numerous workshops and forays to initiate the aficionados in becoming ". "Magical," she concludes.

The Mycoboutique on the French-language Radio Show Médium Large — radio

JUNE 27, 2017

 A nice mention of the Mycoboutique on the  French-language radio show Médium Large. Click on 10 h 51 Les brèves de nos chroniqueurs

Make room for mushrooms — The Winnipeg Free Press

FEBRUARY 4, 2017

 Tom Nagy mentions the Mycoboutique as a place to get mycelium

Those who create trends and make Montreal a cool city — Montréal Gazette

APRIL 1, 2016

Under the title Those who create trends and make Montreal a cool city, the April 1st edition of the Montreal Gazette has devoted a page to our business and that of Normand Laprise.

Normand’s restaurant, Toqué!, is recognized as one of the best (if not the best) restaurant in Canada.  

Chaga: le champignon qui aime l'hiver — La Presse

JANUARY 26, 2016

L'hiver, la nature dort. Mais quelques cueilleurs en profitent pour s'aventurer dans les forêts de bouleaux à la recherche d'un précieux champignon médicinal : le chaga. Et ce ne sont plus uniquement les amateurs d'aliments naturels qui le réclament. Les chefs s'y intéressent de plus en plus. 

La révolution des champignons — Flèche

JANUARY 1, 2016

 On parle de la culture des champignons et des trousses de culture.

Chasse aux champignons — Nature Sauvage


What you need to start picking wild mushrooms.

Hotel no madokara — From the window of a hotel

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014

Delightful visit of Japanese television last October. Their take was recently broadcasted on Japanese tv.

At 7 minutes 50 in the film, wacht the interview with the Mycoboutique's manager and biologist Judith Gagnon Noël.

Mushroom robbery — CTV

SEPTEMBER 11, 2014

 A roberry of mushroom (Maitake) on a private land near Montreal led the journalist Denise Roberts to make a report with the collaboration of the Mycoboutique.

All Things Mushroom: Mycoboutique on St-Denis St. — Urban Expressions, The Gazette

JULY 23, 2014

L’hiver en vert —

SEPTEMBER 21, 2013

Le chaga : un champignon médicinal de nos forêt — Coach-in

Profiter du printemps à Montréal — La Presse

APRIL 24, 2013

Dévorer Montréal — Gastronomic Guide

MARCH 26, 2013

This brand new guide to Montreal cuisine takes us on a journey of discovery to some of the more innovative restaurants and businesses and some of the most pleasurable dining expereiences on the island.  

The authors like the Mycoboutique ''because it gives justice to mushrooms, whose gastronomic virtues are unsurpassed.'' 

Montréal par la racine — CIBL 101,5

JANUARY 15, 2013

An interview with Pierre Noël discussing mushrooms in the context of urban agriculture that aired on Montreal par la racine on January 15, 2013 at 9:30am. 

MSN — 15 aliments inusités pour les Fêtes

DECEMBER 6, 2012

AgriValée Vol. 14 — AgriValée

NOVEMBER 14, 2012

100 Boutiques Gourmandes à Montreal — Guide Mixeur 2012

NOVEMBER 12, 2012

Ricardo magazine v10 n08 — Ricardo magazine

SEPTEMBER 26, 2012

Ricardo Saison 11 / Épisode 13 — Ricardo

SEPTEMBER 26, 2012

Allons à la chasse aux champignons! —

SEPTEMBER 15, 2012

Sur la piste des mycologues — Le Devoir

MAY 5, 2012

Bien dans son assiette — Radio CBC

FEBRUARY 28, 2012

Cuisinez comme Louis — Television show on Canal Vie

FEBRUARY 19, 2012

Small chronic on dried mushrooms (at the end)

Les champignons forestiers — HRI magazine

FEBRUARY 18, 2012

 Review on  wild mushrooms in Québec

Musty Beginnings — The College Hill Independent (Providence, Rhode Island)

FEBRUARY 15, 2012

An article about the popularization of indoor mushroom growing, featuring the Mycoboutique's own Émile Gluck-Thaler.

Wooden Spoon S.1 E.6 — Concordia University Television (CUTV)

NOVEMBER 4, 2011

Interview with Judith Noël Gagnon from Mycoboutique (at 12mn).

Plaisirs Gourmands — CIBL

SEPTEMBER 14, 2011

Interview with Pierre Noël, Mycoboutique owner, at CIBL radio.

Foraging excursion — VOIR

AUGUST 18, 2011

A journalist, head of the VOIR magazine's Art of living section, describes her recent experience foraging in the Eastern Townships forest (Qc) with a group of apprentices guided by experts from the boutique.

Le coprin à la Mycoboutique — La Presse

APRIL 30, 2011

Cueillette de champignons sauvages — Par-dessus le marché

FEBRUARY 11, 2011

When picking wild mushrooms in the woods, it's convenient to be quided by an expert. Chantal Fontaine, host of a popular gastronomical program on TVA Channel, found an outstanding one : Judith Noël-Gagnon joined here in a enjoyable foray. 

Promenons-nous dans les bois — Voir

JUNE 24, 2010

Shopping at the mushroom store (part 1) — The Gazette

APRIL 10, 2010

Shopping at the mushroom store (part 2) — The Gazette

APRIL 10, 2010

La cueillette de champignons à la Baie James: un passe-temps payant! — Journal Eastmain

JUNE 1, 2009

Montréal behind the scenes — Tourisme Montréal

DECEMBER 1, 2007

Magic Mushroom —

MARCH 22, 2007

Les pleurotes — L'Épicerie

JANUARY 10, 2007

Le Matsutake — L'Épicerie

OCTOBER 11, 2006

Champignon sur rue — Le Devoir

AUGUST 19, 2006

Champignon-boutique — La Presse

APRIL 22, 2006

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